Bonus Episode: New Year’s Alphabeticals

This is a bonus episode of the world famous Sofa King Podcast. If you’re after our normal content, a well-researched (ahem…) look at topics like serial killers, cults, and conspiracy theories with an occasional look at West Side rapper (it is, after all, the best side), look to a different episode.

If you’re after a quick talk about new years, ball dropping (the shiny ones, not our own), Seacrest, champagne, New Year’s Resolutions, new Alphabeticals, and Impregnable Armor Against an Implacable Foe, this is the place for you. We also reveal the results of some interviews we did with some of our Patreon members and talk about their often unique holiday customs. From pickle pants to decking the Halls, you don’t want to miss this.

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